健康人生的黃金鑰匙 缺乏GSH所引起的疾病 醫師說法 相關論文的查詢 臨床研究 相關書籍


酒精引起之傷害(Alcohol Damage)

Efficacy of a whey protein concentrate on the inhibition of stomach ulcerative lesions caused by ethanol ingestion.
Glutathione depletion in chronic alcohol abuse makes lungs vulnerable to life-threatening diseases

過敏 (Allergy)
Effect of glutathione-S-transferase M1 and P1 genotypes on xenobiotic enhancement of allergic responses: randomised, placebo-controlled crossover study.

癌症 (Cancer)
  Enchancing effect of patented whey protein isolate (Immunocal) on cytotoxicity of an anticancer drug.
Whey proteins in cancer prevention.
Whey protein concentrate (WPC) and glutathione modulation in cancer treatment.
In vitro selective modulation of cellular glutathione by a humanized native milk protein isolate in normal cells and rat mammary carcinoma model.
The use of a whey protein concentrate in the treatment of patients with metastatic carcinoma: a phase I-II clinical study.
Dietary whey protein inhibits the development of dimethylhydrazine induced malignancy.
Dairy proteins protect against dimethylhydrazine-induced intestinal cancers in rats.
Effect of whey protein isolate on intracellular glutathione and oxidant-induced cell death in human prostate epithelial cells.
Glutathione depletion causes cell growth inhibition and enhanced apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells.
Whey protein concentrate (WPC) and glutathione modulation in cancer treatment.
Milk and dairy products in cancer prevention: focus on bovine lactoferrin.
Cancer prevention by bovine lactoferrin and underlying mechanisms--a review of experimental and clinical studies.
Prevention of colon carcinogenesis and carcinoma metastasis by orally administered bovine lactoferrin in animals.
Modulation of glutathione by a cysteine pro-drug enhances in vivo tumor response.
Glutathione based approaches to improving cancer treatment.
Selective modulation of glutathione levels in human normal versus tumor cells and subsequent differential response to chemotherapy drugs.
Glutathione and glutathione-dependent enzymes in cancer drug resistance.
Glutathione level and its relation to radiation therapy in patients with cancer of uterine cervix.
Role of cysteine and glutathione in HIV infection and cancer cachexia: therapeutic intervention with N-acetylcysteine.
Glutathione and lipid peroxidation levels in human breast tumors.
N-acetylcysteine suppression of the proliferative index in the colon of patients with previous adenomatous colonic polyps.
Colon cancer: dietary modifications required for a balanced protective diet.
The role of the thiol N-acetylcysteine in the prevention of tumor invasion and angiogenesis.
Breast cancer: pretreatment drug resistance parameters (GSH-system, ATase, P-glycoprotein) in tumor tissue and their correlation with clinical and prognostic characteristics.
Antioxidant action via p53-mediated apoptosis.

  Glutathione: a vital lens antioxidant.
Protection of retinal pigment epithelium from oxidative injury by glutathione and precursors.
Glutathione in human plasma: decline in association with aging, age-related macular degeneration, and diabetes.
Glutathione peroxidase-1 deficiency leads to increased nuclear light scattering, membrane damage, and cataract formation in gene-knockout mice.
Specialized protective role of mucosal glutathione in pigmented rabbit conjunctiva.

解毒作用 (Detoxification)
  Cysteine metabolism and metal toxicity.
Glutathione deficiency in alcoholics: risk factor for paracetamol hepatotoxicity.
Role of glutathione redox cycle and catalase in defense against oxidative stress induced by endosulfan in adrenocortical cells of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
Toxic metals and antioxidants: Part II. The role of antioxidants in arsenic and cadmium toxicity.
糖尿病 (Diabetes)
  Influence of reduced glutathione infusion on glucose metabolism in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
Glutathione in human plasma: decline in association with aging, age-related macular degeneration, and diabetes.
Intracellular reduced glutathione content in normal and type 2 diabetic erythrocytes: effect of insulin and (-)epicatechin.
Association of Glutathione Peroxidase Activity with Insulin Resistance and Dietary Fat Intake during Normal Pregnancy

  Superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase function in progressive myoclonus epilepsies.
Glutathione peroxidase deficiency and childhood seizures.

中風,動脈硬化等心血管疾病 (Stroke, coronary, cardiovascular & heart disease)
  Lactokinins: whey protein-derived ACE inhibitory peptides.
Serum Glutathione in Adolescent Males Predicts Parental Coronary Heart Disease
Oxidant stress in the vasculature.
Erythrocyte susceptibility to lipid peroxidation in patients with coronary atherosclerosis.
L-2-Oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid reverses endothelial dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease.
Glutathione reverses endothelial dysfunction and improves nitric oxide bioavailability.
Effect of administration of fermented milk containing whey protein concentrate to rats and healthy men on serum lipids and blood pressure.

B,C型肝炎 (Hepatitis B&C)
  Nutritional therapy of chronic hepatitis by whey protein (non-heated).
Lactoferrin inhibits hepatitis C virus viremia in patients with chronic hepatitis C: a pilot study.

  Glutathione inhibits HIV replication by acting at late stages of the virus life cycle.
Intracellular glutathione as a possible direct blocker of HIV type 1 reverse transcription.
Glutathione and N-acetylcysteine suppression of human immunodeficiency virus replication in human monocyte/macrophages in vitro.
Oral supplementation with whey proteins increases plasma glutathione levels of HIV-infected patients.
Effects of long-term supplementation with whey proteins on plasma glutathione levels of HIV-infected patients.
Whey proteins as a food supplement in HIV-seropositive individuals.
Effects of whey protein and resistance exercise on body composition and muscle strength in women with HIV infection.

免疫反應 (Immune Response)
  Immunoenhancing property of dietary whey protein in mice: role of glutathione.
Functions of glutathione and glutathione disulfide in immunology and immunopathology.
Effects of purified bovine whey factors on cellular immune functions in ruminants.
Glutathione protects mice from lethal sepsis by limiting inflammation and potentiating host defense.

流行性感冒(濾過性病毒 Influenza)
  Inhibition of influenza infection by glutathione
Attenuation of influenza-like symptomatology and improvement of cell-mediated immunity with long-term N-acetylcysteine treatment.

男性不孕症 (Male Infertility)
  Glutathione therapy for male infertility.
Placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over trial of glutathione therapy in male infertility.
Glutathione treatment of dyspermia: effect on the lipoperoxidation process.
Glutathione in spermatozoa and seminal plasma of infertile men.
Status of vitamin E and reduced glutathione in semen of oligozoospermic and azoospermic patients.
Oxidative stress in normospermic men undergoing infertility evaluation.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids of germ cell membranes, glutathione and blutathione-dependent enzyme-PHGPx: from basic to clinic.
Oxidative stress and role of antioxidants in normal and abnormasperm function.
Male infertility: nutritional and environmental considerations.

營養不良 (Malnutrition)
  In vivo rates of erythrocyte glutathione synthesis in children with severe protein-energy malnutrition.
巴金森氏症 (Parkinson Disease)
  Glutathione, oxidative stress and neurodegeneration.
Idiopathic Parkinson's disease, progressive supranuclear palsy and glutathione metabolism in the substantia nigra of patients.
Alterations in glutathione levels in Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders affecting basal ganglia.
Glutathione depletion switches nitric oxide neurotrophic effects to cell death in midbrain cultures: implications for Parkinson's disease.

肺部&呼吸道疾病 (Lung, Respiratory & Pulmonary Disease)
  Gluthathione: in defence of the lung.
Systemic deficiency of glutathione in cystic fibrosis.
Lymphocyte glutathione levels in children with cystic fibrosis.
Treatment of obstructive airway disease with a cysteine donor protein supplement: a case report.

運動員的營養補充 (Sports Nutrition)

  The effect of whey protein supplementation with and without creatine monohydrate combined with resistance training on lean tissue mass and muscle strength.
Physical exercise intensity can be related to plasma glutathione levels.
Antioxidants and physical performance.
Mitochondria changes in human muscle after prolonged exercise, endurance training and selenium supplementation.




Clinical Applications of Glutathione, Whey protein

Glutathione: Systemic Protectant Against Oxidative and Free Radical Damage
  Parris M. Kidd, Ph.D.

The Role of Glutathione in Cell Defense, with References to Clinical Deficiencies and Treatment

  An FDA slide show on whey isolate

Rethinking Cystic Fibrosis Pathology: Glutathione System Dysfunction and Glutathione Augmentation Therapy

  Valerie M. Hudson, Ph.D.
Dietary whey proteins and oxidative stress in the prostate(ppt)
  Kyle D. Kent. J. Bomser and W. J. Harper; Department of Food Science and Technology; The Ohio State University


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